
Below are the CWMA committees for 2024. We are so thankful for the dedication and hard work of our volunteers! If you are interested in getting involved please contact us.

Legislative Committee

This committee oversees CWMA’s legislative activities and plan Association’s participation in Ag Day.

Joe Swason, co-chair
Kayla Malone, co-chair
Alicia Doran
Brian Kolokowsky
Casey Cisneros
Elizabeth Brown
Jennifer Cook
John Coyle
Lucas Casias
Marisa Neuzil
Tina Booton
Kevin Gallagher
Brittany Nordentoft

Marketing and Communications Committee

This committee produces the Weed Watch quarterly newsletter and manages CWMA social media sites.

Jennifer Cook, chair
Ethan Proud
Alicia Doran
Lucas Casias
Teresa Nees

Membership, Nominations and Professional Development Committee

This committee oversees membership programs and initiatives, scholarship and grant programs, and the board nomination process.

Mike Auciello, chair
Lee Blair
Marisa Neuzil
Steve Murdock

Publications Committee

This committee oversees the publication the Noxious Weeds of Colorado booklet.

Alicia Doran, chair
Ethan Proud

Training and Education Committee

This committee oversees and coordinates all training activities, including the CWMA Winter and Spring Trainings, and educational content offering training on weed management best practices, issues and trends. This committee also manages the annual award program.

Steve Murdock, co-chair
Marisa Neuzil, co-chair
Brian Kolokowsky
Lucas Casias
Lucy Bauer
Kenny Baccus
Shannon Clark

CWMA Call for Board and Committee Volunteers – Become a Volunteer Today!