Legislative and Advocacy

Noxious weed and invasive species prevention and management is a non-partisan issue that impacts all Colorado residents and visitors: agriculture, conservation, environmental protection, forestry, natural resources, outdoor recreation, tourism, water, etc. are all impacted by invasive species.

Learn about CWMA’s efforts and stay informed about statewide legislative concerns that affect the weed management industry!

2025 Colorado Legislative Session

Stay tuned for more info!

CWMA Bill Tracker


We will share specific legislation that is being proposed and how you can get active.

CWMA tracks legislation that impacts our industry so you don’t have to! We sweep for newly introduced bills each week.

CWMA’s Legislative Policy Guide

This guide helps CWMA Members, the Board of Directors, the Legislative Committee, and Lobbyists when forming policy or taking positions on legislation, regulation, or policy on behalf of the organization.

Find Your Representative

Find your local representative.